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Tools or Skills? Which one comes first?

I would like to believe that I have a good mix of Facebook friends.

And what are friends for if not to lay a helping hand when you are in need.

Needing some data for a question in mind, I went to Facebook to ask that group of "friends" for their answer.

So, on 30th December 2016, I posted a simple survey...

The results were quite fascinating.

So, I decided to share the breakdown here.

Based on the response, if seems that "Skills" is the more popular answer to the question.

However, quite a handful (11%) found it hard to select between the two.

Now I thought it was a simple question. Tools or skills - Which one comes first?

But it seems that some had more in mind.

A majority had something to say about it.

Some gave their perspective.

Some gave analogies.

And a few, refused to pick either one (and yes, they commented)

What I take from this is, it seems that people like to share their thoughts on the subject.

I also take it that I have silent readers who, when triggered with the right question, would come out in the open. Some very quiet ones, surprisingly responded by giving their answer.

Oh, and here are the ones that pressed "Like" versus the ones that responded.

Interesting isn't it?

Lessons learned

In conclusion, I would say that, although social media (in this case, my personal Facebook account) may not be a true representation of the general public's opinion, I learned a few things that may also apply to a general audience in a training room.

  1. Not everyone get's the question - no matter how simple it may looks to you.

  2. People like to share their opinion with their answer. It gives them a sense of justification to their choice.

  3. The right trigger will create engagement. People are often observers until they share a connection that makes them want to express their point of view.

So there you go.

Those where my take away from this exercise. What was yours? Do share in the comments below.

And if you want me to do any other surveys, please let me know what you want me to ask my Facebook friends. I'll be happy to analyze their responses.

Fauzan is the Head Trainer of Access Ideas (M) Sdn. Bhd. He conducts Train the Trainer programs for Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) in association with IGM Academy. He loves developing training contents and has designed more than 130 training programs for the past 10 years. In his spare time he enjoys a trip to the park with his family.

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